mardi 7 février 2012


Hawking said descartes said that the world would evolve the same regardless of the starting conditions obviously not so the starting conditions have to be just right if the big crunch did not produce neutrons there would not be a singularity if the universe evolved.
Is there a way of predicting the future from the past the clock and the dice togther don't produce the future from the past although they can predict the past by reversing the equation from our 4D space time and they predict a ten dimensional universe with circular orbits.
Quantum particles are unstable with circular orbits and so are stars and planets the opposite is eliptical which is stable.
We have to start with unstable stars planets and electrons and protons.
The anthropic principal is the opposite of descartes.
We have to have annihilation of electrons and protons to release neutrons- strongravity- thermonuclear energy to produce a singularity which will explode into a big bang.
A recipe of fried chicken that doesn't work is pepsi fried chicken the chicken is not cooked properly and does not taste right.
This evolutionary theory does not give us the earth we know from intial starting conditions maybe 10^500 other universes could have evolved but our did not.
The recipie is all wrong for our fine tuned earth.
The anthropic principal is the opposite of descartes.
The pepsie fried chicken is a universe that does not work to produce a tasty dish.
Like the earth...........If we work backward the earth must have been produced by a signularity that means nuetrons and annilation of atoms and thermonuclear energy but it is a rough recipie that cannot produce the universe as we know it there is something missing intelligent design.,.

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