Iam going to attempt to build HG wells time machine theoretically.
10 dimensions plus one of time with circular orbits in A Godel universe can be converted to 3 D + 1 of time with eliptical orbits................
You can use 12 dimensions instead of 10 with two of time...............Past and present.
Then you can write equations to convert Einsteins 4D space/time into 10 D plus 2 of time.
Time is reversed in a Godel 10 D universe with circular orbits and it is not relative it is absolute everything that happens in that universe is totally determined by the laws of physics.
So you can write equations for time travel to the past but it is for the whole universe not for a machine where the occupant is somehow in a different space/time dimensions.
But you should be able to apply the equations to reverse time to building a machine that converts 4D Space time into 12 D space time thoerectially anyway it is much simpler than a wormhole may turn out to be the same equation.
But you never come back from LA LA land the land of the crazies when you start working on time travel.
It is for loosers failures jerks and mad professors disfunctional people.
As long as it remains in the land of theory but when you start trying to actually build a time machine you loose it entirely.
With the general theory of relativity, acclaimed as one of the most brilliant creations of the human mind, Einstein forever changed our Newtonian view of gravity. However, even though it has become one of the cornerstones of modern physics, general relativity has remained the least tested of Einstein’s theories. The reason is, as Caltech physicist Kip Thorne once put it:
RépondreSupprimer“In the realm of black holes and the universe, the language of general relativity is spoken, and it is spoken loudly. But in our tiny solar system, the effects of general relativity are but whispers.”
And so, any measurements of the relativistic effects of gravity around Earth must be carried out with utmost precision. Over the past 90 years, various tests of the theory suggest that Einstein was on the right track. But, in most previous tests, the relativity signals had to be extracted from a significant level of background noise. The purpose of GP-B is to test Einstein’s theory by carrying out the experiment in a pristine orbiting laboratory, thereby reducing background noise to insignificant levels and enabling the Probe to examine general relativity in new ways.
Experimental Variable Tolerance Requirements Tolerances Achieved During Mission
Gyroscope Rotor Near Zeros
Mechanical Sphericity 50 nanometers (2 micro inches) <10 nanometers (< 0.4 microinches)
Material Homogeneity 3 parts in 106 3 parts in 107
Electrical Sphericity 5 parts in 107 <5 parts in 107
Probe Environment Near Zeros
Temperature 1.95 kelvin (-271.2° Celsius or -456.2° Fahrenheit) 1.8 kelvin (-271.4° Celsius or
-456.4° Fahrenheit)
Non-Gravitational Residual Acceleration Less than 10-10 g Less than 5 x 10-12 g
Background Magnetic Field 10-6 gauss Less than 10-7 gauss
Probe Pressure 10-11 torr Less than 10-11 torr
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Astrophysical Significance of the GP-B Experiment
Physics advances experimentally in two ways:
Measuring known effects with higher accuracy
The other effect being measured by GP-B, known as “frame-dragging,” was postulated by Austrian physicists Josef Lense and Hans Thirring two years after Einstein published his general theory of relativity. It states that as a celestial body spins on its axis, it drags local spacetime around with it, much like a spinning ball in bowl of molasses would drag around some of the molasses as it spins. This concept is illustrated in the diagram to the right.
RépondreSupprimerParticularly intriguing, the frame-dragging measurement probes a new facet of general relativity—the way in which spacetime is dragged around by a rotating body. This novel effect closely parallels the way in which a rotating electrically charged body generates magnetism. For this reason it is often referred to as the “gravitomagnetic effect,” and measuring it can be regarded as discovering a new force in nature, the gravitomagnetic force.
Experimental Variable Tolerance Requirements Tolerances Achieved During Mission
RépondreSupprimerGyroscope Rotor Near Zeros
Mechanical Sphericity 50 nanometers (2 micro inches) <10 nanometers (< 0.4 microinches)
Material Homogeneity 3 parts in 106 3 parts in 107
Electrical Sphericity 5 parts in 107 <5 parts in 107
Probe Environment Near Zeros
Temperature 1.95 kelvin (-271.2° Celsius or -456.2° Fahrenheit) 1.8 kelvin (-271.4° Celsius or
-456.4° Fahrenheit)
Non-Gravitational Residual Acceleration Less than 10-10 g Less than 5 x 10-12 g
Background Magnetic Field 10-6 gauss Less than 10-7 gauss
Probe Pressure 10-11 torr Less than 10-11 torr
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Astrophysical Significance of the GP-B Experiment
Physics advances experimentally in two ways:
While I recently meditating on this topic very interesting, but difficult to realize at least 50 years more but I think it will be very interesting debate on this
RépondreSupprimerGravity Probe B (GP-B) is a NASA physics mission to experimentally investigate Albert Einstein's 1916 general theory of relativity—his theory of gravity. GB-B used four spherical gyroscopes and a telescope, housed in a satellite orbiting 642 km (400 mi) above the Earth, to measure in a new way, and with unprecedented accuracy, two extraordinary effects predicted by the general theory of relativity (the second effect having never before been directly measured):
RépondreSupprimerThe geodetic effect—the amount by which the Earth warps the local spacetime in which it resides.
The frame-dragging effect—the amount by which the rotating Earth drags its local spacetime around with it.
The GP-B experiment tests these two effects by precisely measuring the displacement angles of the spin axes of the four gyros over the course of a year and comparing these experimental results with predictions from Einstein's theory.
GP-B is actually the second dedicated NASA physics experiment to test aspects of general relativity. The first, Gravity Probe A, was led in 1976 by Dr. Robert Vessot of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Gravity Probe A compared elapsed time in three identical hydrogen maser clocks—two on the ground and the third traveling for two hours in a rocket, and confirmed the Einstein redshift prediction to 1.4 parts in 104.
Article of NASA