And ex-nihilo is just an instability in matter because energy converts to a unstable form of matter.
And this is just common sense if we are going to believe the big bang.
Because energy comes from another universe or dimension or brane.
And string theory is totally completely crazy because there are no branes.
And that is just it if you believe the clock theory Einstein is right and his equations can be converted into ten large dimensions but not six tiny curled up dimensions.
And if there is any way to convert Einsteins 4D space time into six tiny curled up dimensions then NASA does not know about it.But at the same time they cannot imagine a universe of ten large spacial dimensions and that is what we need to convert Einsteins equations into another dimension.
Maybe there are more than ten or maybe there are less than ten.But string theoy says that there are ten dimensions four large spacial and six tiny curled up.But when did they curl up.And that is a silly question because they were always curled up and they were never large spacial dimensions.So you see how appealing the idea of evolution really is.The extra dimensions evolved from large spacial dimensions but Nasa is sure that this is incompatable with string theory.And they could be 100% correct because the more complex solution that there are not ten dimensions is the solution that ex-nihilo proposes that there were only four dimensions in the begining.And that there were never six tiny curled up dimensions.And this possible because you can't convert EInsteins 4D space time into six tiny extra dimensions.And Nasa is certain they have done the math and they have not even begun to do the math.Because if evolution depends on their being six large spacial dimensions in addition to the four we know..
Then they will prove it and I believe they can prove whatever they want toprove by leaving exnihilo out of the computers calculations.But if we run Hugh Ross testable creation model then we have a big bang that happened out of nothing.
And it just does not make sense.And if it does not make sense then the bible is right.
Because the bible says matter was without form and void.And the idea of ex-nihilo is not in the bible.And I for one believe ex-nihilo I don't believe in the big bang and I don't believe in my won hypothesis of evolution.Mainly because it is a non contradiction that is ex-nihilo.
It does not contradict Einsteins equations.
But evolution of the big bang produces a contradictory equation for matter.
And it is contradictory for quarks and gluons to be in the same state in the same place at the same time.This means they are a super fluid and it might mean they are a super solid.
Something in between solid and liquid and gas and plasma.Something that is all four states.
And that is a contradiction of Einsteins equations.Because the answer to the universe is the dice two answers for everything and the dice is just too simple and answer. Quantum theory can be added to Einsteins thoery at the big bang and both answers are correct.1+1=2 is the opposite of 2+2=4 and both apply at the same time.
But opposites often do not apply at the same time.
Like electrons and protons in same space.They repel and electoweak force is stronger than gravity.Only in the big crunch gravity is stronger than in a supa nova and maybe not.
And electrons and protons do not annihilate in a supa nova according to NASA.
But what if they do then nuetrons are set free from the nucleus and electrons and protons cancel charges and also become nuetrons this results in a nuetron core in the supa nova.
We can't know for certain what takes place in a supa nova they are just too far away if they were not gamma rays would destroy the earth.And gamma rays do in fact result from annihilation according to dirac.They are two photons and if they are gamma then they are light.
And gamma rays may result from annihilation as well as photons but that is not in diracs equation as far as I know.I really need to look up the original equation but it is not that simple Oppenheimer proved it wrong and he is a genius.So no one believes Dirac was right to begin with.
But he was wrong then electrons and protons cannot annihilate.Not even when atoms are unstable in circular orbits because then gravity overcomes the electroweak force and the replusion between electrons and protons in overcome and they are in the same state and space at the same time.Because a teaspoon full of protons weighs a tonne and so do electons and neutrons.They are all supermassive because of the gravity of the big crunch.
and this is nonsense electrons and protons can never be in the same space.
And that may be the end of evolution.
Because we need to explain the singularity and singularities do not form except from collapsed nuetron stars.And they do neutrons form without exploding stars.
And stars explode when they are contracted into a small space.
And a lot of thermonuclear energy is released but does that cook the nuetrons and their energy is contained by the force of gravity until explosive force releases all of that energy at once like from a glass bottle.
A bottle of gravity.Contains the explosion of the thermonuclear energy until it is released all at once.
But does this recipie makes sense of is it pepsi chicken is there no way to know for sure.
And there really is not we cannot reproduce the conditions of the big bang.
If we could we would destroy the universe.
It is chicken that is not cooked to perfection with 11 herbs and spices it is not the Colonels secret recipie that is creation ex-nihilo.It is plan B it is God plan B that may apply in any one of 10^500 dead universes.
But without exnihilo creation matter cannot produce life.
Matter has to be protoplasm it has to be the right kind of matter for life.
That means it has to be quark gluon plasma.But what if they have it wrong about the big bang.
well we have to go by the computer since we cannot work it out ourslelves and we can work out that a solid that is a liquid and a gas is a contradiction.
And the evidence points to a contradiction in EInsteins equations at he begining.
But that is saying Einstein is wrong when we could say instead that Einsteins equations must hold true at the begining for a theory to be correct.
This very complex how can EInsteins thoery and quantum theory both hold true at the begining.
The answer is quantum theory does not hold true where gravity is very very strong.
And Einsteins theory does not hold true where gravity is very very weak.
So gravity is a contradiction and we don't know if it was strong at the begining when matter did not exist because if matter did not give rise to energy then energy gave rise to matter.
And energy produces gravity as well as matter.
And that is the theory of dark energy that it accounts for the expansion.
And it dark matter that accounts for the expansion.But no one has ever detected dark energy or matter.
So there is no proof that the universe will go on expanding............
If it eventually contracts then time will be reversed.And that is a complete crazy idea everything will run backward and it really is just common sense if you put a car into reverse it goes back over it previous steps so the universe run in reverse will go back to the big bang and before the big bang.
But according to Einstein there is no before the big bang.
And that is to make it clear that evolution is wrong.
But if evolution is right then Einstein is wrong about time time is a cycle of big bang big crunch.
And it is nuclear.Because it is a black hole and the penrose equation is the reverse of a black hole but according to harold Jeffreys it is too simple.
The big bang cannot simple be a black hole inside out.
If Hawking is wrong about the big bang then there is no mechanism for creation ex-nihilo.
If it is to be a part of the big bang.
Creaton ex-nihilo must have occured without a big bang singularity.
And it very possible that the big bang was not a singularity where time began.
And this is what you have argue if you believe Ockams rasor that time did not have a begining.
Or that it will not have an ending.
and maybe you can find reasons to believe time goes on forever.
But if the universe comes to an end one day as the bible says then the univese must have had a begining because God is the alpha and omega the begining and the ending.
So however the universe began God was there before the world began and He will be there will the world ends.
And if the world ends the universe ends only there is a new universe.
And that is a cyclical theory that God creates a new universe but it plan C it is created differently from a universe that does not last forever.
But what if that universe also has an end since it has a begining.
Then there would be an endless cycle of universes.
And that would they would loose energy.And wind down like a clock everything in them would slow down like a clock but they would not notice and they would loose energy so life would cease to exist.
And ex-nihilo means the universe was created with enough energy to not wind down and go back to a big crunch.
But the thoery of evolution means there was plenty of energy from neutrons which don't annihilate to produce energy.
And the energy was prior to the singularity so explain that NASA.
You can't because the energy was bottled up by gravity is my theory and it is a good one.
But is gravity like a bottle does it contain an explosion and why does the explosion eventually overcome gravity that is getting stronger and stronger.
The only answer that nuetrons compressed into the same state and space at the same time do exlode and the nuetron core is missing from some supa novas.
An a star can explode in a different direction this is a result of a second explosion of the nuetron core.But the question is why are there plusars why don't the nuetron cores always explode.
Things have to be just right for nuetrons.
And we don't know the recipie for pepsi chicken and that is the case with the thoery of evolution.
We don't know how the annihilation of electrons and protons provides the energy for the nuetrons to explode we know energy is produced and stored by gravity and it becomes exponential and it overcomes the force of gravity.
And that is too bad I have made a good case for evolution.
But I can make a good case for intelligent design because the universe is not just an uncontrolled explosion it is something that came out of a signularity and it did not it came out of nothing and a black hole reversed according to penrose is not nothing.
So we get an expansion because of creation exnihilo everything tends to expand when matter is created by energy.
And that does mean Hawking is right to reverse penrose equation.
Iam right to reverse penrose equation for a black hole in 10 large spacial dimensions universe with circular orbits. The result is an non contradiction for Einsteins equations.
and if that is the case then it is a singularity that is quite different to the one Hawking images.
I want you to write an essay on this topic and include all of the research so far on diracs equation and penrose equation and the mass energy equation for the big bang.
I want you to balance the equation for the big bang since it must balance for energy and mass to be correct and it must be complex enough to balance.,A great science paper starts with a blog so write an essay on my thoery of evolution.
COMPLEX maybe you can edit it.