Hugh Ross is logical like Spock. God must have created using science not miracles. And that is an assumption that is held out by the whole creation. But sometimes miracles so happen. and they happen so many times to make the laws of science understandable. Because they happen according to the laws of science. And that would be being a logical as Spock. Because if a miracle is only science we are not familiar with with then God never breaks the law. And everything we know about God is that he does not break laws. But love is a greater law and maybe there are greater laws of science that we do not understand. So Hugh is not logical because he believes the big bang happened ex-nihilo. And he believes it obeys the laws of physics. And he could be totally right. Exnihilo could obey a greater law the law of love. and that is a law which can be expressed scientifically. And of course no one can express love as science. So God loves the universe he created and that is just not science. But it is faith. And science can be based on faith. That is what Hugh Ross believes that science need not be based on unbelief. But he is wrong Iam not Hugh Ross science requires and explaination that does involve love. And it involves maths. And if you can write an maths explaination for the universe that does not require creation ex-nihilo or out love. Then you are all out of love. And not necessarily this is why Iam Hugh Ross by creating an evolutionary model you can test it against High Ross testable creation model. Then you can prove God. Which is not what Hugh Ross would say he would say you can never prove God does not exist. But if you can prove God does exist by proving the evolution model wrong. There are a million reasons why my model does not work. And there a million and one why it does work. And no one will ever be certain that God did not have a plan B. That if he wanted to create everything by evolution then he had a plan to do so. And that is a very very logical hypothesis. But what if God has not plans B's There just be a lot of plan B's a lot of ways God could have created or nature could have created but didn't. And if the multiverse is right there is 10^500 different ways to create a universe. And all different. This not what Hugh Ross would expect.But he is not afraid of the multiverse. And he probably does believe in the multiverse. But he does not believe random chance is responsible for the creation of our universe. Our universe is the exception rather than the rule. There are a hundred billion planets in the milkey way and none of them have life except the earth. That is an exception to the rule that chance cannot produce life. And there are not exceptions to that rule. maths means life by randomness is impossible.
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